アフィリエイト | Lawrence L. |
41 | 年齢 |
240 lb | スタート時の体重 |
188 lb | 現在の体重 |
-52 lb | 差 |
"For a very long time I knew I could lose some weight. I "carried myself well" as I would tell people when they were surprised by my weight if it came up in conversation. When I started seeing other people's results using this protocol, I knew I had to give it a try. I never knew that 4 months later I would look like half the person I was and feel like 10 times the person I was. Now I have dropped an incredible 60 pounds, reduced my visceral fat by half, reduced my body fat by 12%, my shirt size from XXL to L, and my pants from a 38 to a 32. Those are just the visible changes. Thanks to One80 and PrimeMyBody, I now have greater energy, stamina, endurance. I now have a sense of well being that I haven't felt in 15 years. I no longer feel like my future health will be a product of my genetics where heart disease, among other things, runs rampant on both sides of my family. Most importantly, I feel like I have changed the trajectory of my family's health. Setting this example of healthier habits for my wife and kids is the greatest gift I can give them. I believe this is a gift everyone should try. No matter your current perception of your health. No matter your current weight or age. This detox, weightloss and rebalancing of the body will likely be the best thing you ever do for yourself and your loved ones. Thanks for reading."
ボディラインの変化やライフスタイルのバランスが崩れている時、それは大きなストレス要因となり得ます。 ONE80(ワンエイティ)は、身心全体のバランスを整え、自身に対するポジティブな気持ちを育み、ライフスタイルをより健康的なものへとリセットするための30日間のサポートシステムです。 ONE80(ワンエイティ)を体験いただいた方の感想を御覧ください。
So, 1 week ago was my 1-year anniversary of living the #one80life, and I was so busy all week that I didn't have any time to take pictures or measurements. But today, after church, I had a moment to snap a quick photo in my brand new suit. After 1 year and 1 week on ONE80, I'm weighing in at 159 after starting at 276.3. My heart used to be a ticking time bomb, but now, my health is immensely better. Still, I'm considered 11 lbs. overweight. And I'm not done yet, as Round 5 begins on May 1st in my quest for a visceral fat score of 1.
#cantstopwontstop #stronglikebull #feelingstrongereveryday #trusttheprocess #theincredibleshrinkingman #round4 #100club #waittilltheygetaloadofme #badasswithagoodass #theadventuresofpaulieinonederland
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