Afiliado Michael M.
38 Edad
267 lb Peso Inicial
249 lb Último peso
-18 lb Diferencia

"Since a previous doctor told me several years back that I would be on medication of some sort for blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol for the rest of my life, I have been on a mission to prove him wrong. I've done the fad diets. I've gotten genetic testing to find out just what my body needs on a cellular level. I've researched all kinds of fitness protocols and workout programs. Since October, with a diet change, a tea regimen, and some habit changes, I've slowly lost 9.2 pounds, 1.8% body fat, 1.28 BMI, 12 inches, and 16mm of body fat. When I saw such radical changes in the success stories in such a short time, I knew I had to get in on this and see what this program could do for me! Join me on this journey! :)"

Mi Diario


** 5/23 HEALTH UPDATE ** So here's the update from last week. I confess I cheated on the meal plan a bit this week. I had some on the road meals with clients and I definitely cheated yesterday hitting Wendy's on the way home from my niece's ballet concert in San Antonio, but it was late and I was crashing from lack of food. I have 1 more week of supplements left so I'm going to extend the program a few days and just really stick to things this last week. I'm going to add in just a bit of cardio, light walks and cycling just to get my body in the habit of doing something every day when I'm allowed to workout again the following week. Weight: 248.6 lbs (-3.4) (-23.4 overall) :D Body Fat: 28.12% (-0.56%) (-5.86% overall) :D Lean Body Mass: 178.7 lbs (-1.03) (-0.89 overall) :D Fat Mass: 69.9 lbs (-2.37) (-22.52 overall) :D BMI: 34.67 (-0.47) (-3.26 overall) :D Inches Lost: -6 (-21.75 overall) :D Blood Sugar 7D/30D Avg: 123.5/139.3 (-15.8) :D Cholesterol: 160 (-17) (-51 overall) :D LDL: 40 (-27) (-83 overall) :D (that's a tad low apparently) HDL: 48 (+3) (+8 overall) :D Triglycerides: 361 (+36) (+118) uh oh! :( Blood Pressure: 139/102 (-44/-10) :D Pulse Pressure: 37 (-34) :D Heart Rate: 78 (-1) :) From what I've read, the increase in triglycerides means I have excess calories in my body that's not being burned off. That's probably compounded by my cheating this week. :( Let's see what the added light cardio and being a bit more strict this week does to that number over the next week. Blood pressure is getting better but still a bit high too, but we'll see where things are next week with the added cardio. #healthylifestyle #beatinghighcholesterol #beatinghypertension #beatingdiabetes #provingdoctorswrong


** 5/16 HEALTH UPDATE ** Alright, so here we are 19 days into the One80 program. Here's the progress breakdown so far. Weight: 252 lbs (-20.0 lbs) :D Body Fat: 28.68% (-5.3%) :D Lean Body Mass: 179.73 lbs (+0.15 lbs) Fat Mass: 72.27 lbs (-20.15 lbs) Body Mass Index: 35.143 (-2.79) :D * Body Measurements * Neck: -0.5" Shoulders: -1" Chest: -2.25" Upper Arms: -0.5"/-0.5" Forearms: --/-- Rib Cage: -1.25" Waist/Navel: -2.75" High Hips/Pant Waist: -1" Buttocks: -0.25" Thighs: -0.50"/-0.50" Knees: -0.50"/-0.50" Calves: -0.50"/-0.50" Ankles: -0.25"/-0.25" Total: -13.50" * Skinfolds * Chest: -15mm Belly: -16mm Hip: -13mm Underarm: -6mm Bicep: -4mm Tricep: -10mm Shoulder Blade: -3mm Lower Back: -17mm Inner Thigh: -7mm Top of Thigh: -8mm Inner Calf: -5mm Total: -84mm * Biostats * (7D/30D) Blood Sugar: 116/140 (-24) :D A1C: 6.9%/7.3% (-0.4%) :D Cholesterol: 177/241 (-124) :D Triglycerides: 325/395 (-70) :D HDL: 45/28 (+17) :D LDL: 67/134 (-67) :D Systolic: 146/161 (-15) :D Diastolic: 98/110 (-12) :D Pulse Pressure: 48/51 (-3) :D Heart Rate: 76/79 (-3) :D #beatingdiabetes #beatinghypertension #beatinghighcholesterol #healthylifestyle #provingdoctorswrong


Can't wait to post my measurements and metrics this Sunday! :)


It's official! P2D15, I'm down 20 pounds in 2 weeks. Oh yeah! 💪 #beatingdiabetes #healthylifestyle #provingdoctorswrong


Phase 2 Day 9, down another 2.8 pounds! That's 16.2 pounds lost in 11 days. Oh yeah!


Phase 2 Day 6, down to 259.6! That's another 2.4 pounds down, y'all!


Phase 2 Day 5, down another 1.6 pounds! Yeah! Killing it!


Phase 2 Day 2, down another 2.2 lbs (266.8 -> 263.6). Disregarding the 6.6 pounds added during Phase 1 (265.4 -> 272), in one week overall I'm down 1.8 pounds (265.4 -> 272.0 -> 263.6), down 1.17% body fat, down 4.5 inches, down 9mm of fat, and up lean body mass 1.9 pounds. I would say that's a pretty great start. Especially without any exercise!


So I started loading today. Wow that is a lot of calories. I don't know if I have enough room in my stomach for all that food. Thankfully it's only for a couple days. Having a whole rotisserie chicken for breakfast is quite the change from my usual breakfast bar if that. And then a large snack so soon after? I may go into a food coma by bedtime. I am curious how this will all affect my blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol so I'm tracking everything. Would be nice to show someone affected with any or all of those issues how it could effect them.



Basado en décadas de investigación nutricional científica y con suplementos de la más alta calidad, ONE80 ha demostrado que te ayuda a crear las transformaciones físicas, mentales y emocionales que son necesarias para mantener resultados sorprendentes de salud a largo plazo.



Sabemos lo preocupante que es que tu peso y tu autopercepción no sean lo que tu quieres. ONE80 no trata de abordar solo un área de la salud, es un sistema integral de 30 días que ayuda a transformar tu cuerpo, fomentar sentimientos positivos sobre ti mismo y ayudar a establecer un estilo de vida ideal a largo plazo. Pero no me creas, mira por ti mismo las historias de éxito de ONE80 de los miembros de nuestro Grupo Beta.

Los resultados son únicos para cada persona.


So, 1 week ago was my 1-year anniversary of living the #one80life, and I was so busy all week that I didn't have any time to take pictures or measurements. But today, after church, I had a moment to snap a quick photo in my brand new suit. After 1 year and 1 week on ONE80, I'm weighing in at 159 after starting at 276.3. My heart used to be a ticking time bomb, but now, my health is immensely better. Still, I'm considered 11 lbs. overweight. And I'm not done yet, as Round 5 begins on May 1st in my quest for a visceral fat score of 1.

#cantstopwontstop #stronglikebull #feelingstrongereveryday #trusttheprocess #theincredibleshrinkingman #round4 #100club #waittilltheygetaloadofme #badasswithagoodass #theadventuresofpaulieinonederland



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Los resultados son únicos para cada persona.

Los productos y las afirmaciones hechas sobre productos específicos en este sitio o a través de él no han sido evaluados por la FDA y no están destinados a diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad. Debe consultar con un profesional de la salud antes de comenzar cualquier programa de dieta, ejercicio o suplemento nutricional, antes de tomar cualquier medicamento, o si tiene o sospecha que puede tener un problema de salud. Si tiene, o cree que tiene, un problema o síntoma médico, consulte a un médico calificado.

Sistema ONE80 |
2021 © PrimeMyBody
