Based on decades of scientific nutritional research and featuring the highest-quality wellness supplements, ONE80 is proven to create the physical, mental, and emotional transformations that are critical for maintaining amazing long-term health results.
We know how distressing it can be when your weight and self-perception are not where you want them to be. ONE80 isn’t about addressing one area of health, but instead is a 30-day system that helps transform the body, foster positive feelings about yourself, and supports a long-term lifestyle of ideal health. Don’t just take our word for it. Hear ONE80 success stories from members of our Beta Group.
Results are unique to each individual.
So, 1 week ago was my 1-year anniversary of living the #one80life, and I was so busy all week that I didn't have any time to take pictures or measurements. But today, after church, I had a moment to snap a quick photo in my brand new suit. After 1 year and 1 week on ONE80, I'm weighing in at 159 after starting at 276.3. My heart used to be a ticking time bomb, but now, my health is immensely better. Still, I'm considered 11 lbs. overweight. And I'm not done yet, as Round 5 begins on May 1st in my quest for a visceral fat score of 1.
#cantstopwontstop #stronglikebull #feelingstrongereveryday #trusttheprocess #theincredibleshrinkingman #round4 #100club #waittilltheygetaloadofme #badasswithagoodass #theadventuresofpaulieinonederland
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The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or nutritional supplement program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. If you have, or think you have, a medical problem or symptom, please consult a qualified physician.
ONE80 Lifestyle Reset System |
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